Catalin Daniel Caleanu
received the Master’s degree in Electronics of Intelligent Systems and the doctoral degree in Electronics Engineering, both from University Politehnica Timişoara. His is currently Prof. dr. habil. eng. with Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies form UPT, Timişoara, Romania where he is currently teaching Deep Neural Networks, Bioinspired Systems, Embedded System courses. He has authored more than 100 technical journal and conference papers and co-authored ten books mainly in the neural networks, fuzzy systems, evolutionary computation, computer vision and embedded systems fields. The main research directions are in deep learning applications for medical imaging, biometrics, video surveillance and automotive.
Georgiana Simion
received the doctoral degree in Electronics Engineering, from University Politehnica Timişoara. She is currently Associate Professor in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies form UPT, Timişoara, Romania. She is teaching Machine Learning and Computer Vision in Applied Electronics department. Her interest research topics are in 2D and 3D hand gesture recognition, with applications in the development of smart interfaces, medical imaging and autonomous driving. Her work is recognized and validated by over 30 scientific papers (conference and journals papers) published and indexed in international databases, 3 books and more laboratory notes. She was member in 6 grants e.g. Rain Simulator – General Concept, Standards, Components Simulation, Siemens VDO Automotive, and international research contracts, and project manager of a TD type grant. During her postdoctoral grant she was in Universitat de Girona, Spain where she worked with Underwater Vision and Robotics team. She was rewarded with Premiul Ecricsson – Excelență în Telecomunicații in 2007, Diploamă Cercetător eminent 2011 by Orizonturi Universitare and Speranța PatriotFest 2022.
Radu Mirsu
The entire research and educational experience of Radu Mirsu is centred around the fields of artificial intelligence, neural networks, digital and analogue hardware, embedded systems and parallel data processing. During graduate studies at Purdue University USA he has been involved in several projects regarding artificial intelligence and information processing. In collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory Chicago a neural controller has been developed for intelligent battery charge management for hybrid cars. While at Fraunhofer IPA Germany, Radu Mirsu used GPU parallel data processing for visualising large datasets acquired from a computer tomograph. This experience was extremely useful for later PhD studies when a GPU accelerated framework for simulating Liquid State Machines of Spiking Neurons was developed from scratch.
Codruta Ancuti
Codruta O. Ancuti is a senior researcher/lecturer at University Politehnica Timisoara, Faculty of Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering. She obtained the PhD degree at Hasselt University, Belgium (2011) and between 2015 and 2017 she was a research fellow at University of Girona, Spain (ViCOROB group). Her work received the best paper award at NTIRE 2017 (CVPR workshop). Her main interest of research includes image understanding and visual perception. She is the first that introduced several single images-based enhancing techniques built on the multi-scale fusion (e.g. color-to grayscale, image dehazing, underwater image and video restoration).
Cosmin Ancuti
Cosmin Ancuti received the PhD degree at Hasselt University, Belgium (2009). He was a post-doctoral fellow at IMINDS and Intel Exascience Lab (IMEC), Leuven, Belgium (2010-2012) and a research fellow at University Catholique of Louvain, Belgium (2015-2017). Currently, he is a senior researcher/lecturer at University Politehnica Timisoara. He is the author of more than 50 papers published in international conference proceedings and journals. His area of interests includes image and video enhancement techniques, computational photography and low level computer vision.
Ciprian David
Ph.D Students
Ioan Lucan Orășan
Ioan Lucan Orășan has graduated (BSc) the Applied Electronics program at “1 December 1918” University of Alba Iulia and he got his MSc degree in Electronics of Intelligent Systems from Politehnica University Timişoara. Currently he is a PhD student at Politehnica University Timişoara researching local processing systems for deep learning paradigms under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Habil. Eng. Cătălin Daniel Căleanu. He is also working as Embedded Software Developer at Vitesco Technologies Engineering Romania, Electronic Components department, by having the main responsibilities focused on input/output functionalities mapping on the peripheral devices of an Engine Control Unit. For the PhD program, the activity is centered on the implementation of deep learning paradigms on embedded systems (microcontrollers) due to his main interests: Embedded Systems, Embedded Software Architectures, Deep Learning Neural Networks, Image Classification, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence Techniques for motor control applications using embedded hardware.
Mihai Andreescu
Mihai Andreescu received bachelor’s degree in Automation and Computers in 2000 and master’s degree in Management of energetic power systems in 2013 at University Politehnica Timisoara. His thesis proposes a multimodal video identification system. Main interests: Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning.
Cristina Sirbu
has graduated the Electronics and Telecommunications University of Politehnica. The performed research activity is enclosed in the fields of: (1) Computer Vision in regards with algorithm development in the department of Advance Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) focusing on camera group for developing image processing algorithms. The End of Line Calibration Mono (ECM) algorithm which measures and stores the mounting offsets of the camera based on targets placed in front of the car before leaving the production line. I am responsible for coordinating the component by evaluating and deciding the architecture and implementing the design of new concepts to the best convenience for the in-place component. I develop the algorithm using C++ on embedded system, executed effective processes for designing, simulation and testing; (2) Embedded Systems as a researcher in the department Medical Engineering & eHealth Vienna where I, design and implement a generic platform CDA generator for the eLearning4eHealth Network.
Bogdan Sighencea
received the BSc and MSc degrees in electronics from the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania in 2017 and 2019. Now, He is PhD student at the Polytechnic University of Timisoara having as coordinating Prof. Căleanu Cătalin – Daniel. His thesis is focused on the study of the pedestrian intent prediction using advances deep learning techniques. In this moment he working as Test Development Engineer in the R&D centre at Continental Automotive Systems Sibiu being involved in different projects in the automotive area, such as SVC (Surround view camera) and MFC (Multi-Function Camera). His interests: Computer Vision, Artificial intelligence, Deep learning, Autonomous driving, Algorithms, Embedded Systems.
Aliosa Erofei
Oana Ursulescu
Cristian Druta
Dan Popoviciu
Research Students
Iulian Căleanu, Correlation between stock prices and public sentiment using RNN based Deep Learning
Krista-Roberta Schmiedt, Spatiotemporal neural processing for medical imaging
Andrei Flore, Multimodal biometric identification
Alexandru Raul Boglut, Deep Learning based Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving
Sebastian-Titus Lala, Autonomous mobile robot navigation
Valentin Florea, Edge AI
Tudor Adam, Embedded Systems Applications using Cortex-M0+
Sebastian Toc, 3D Data Neural Processing
Robert Bujor, Video Analytics
Anelore Tasala, Recurrent Neural Networks Applications
Past members
Patrick Schmiedt
Patricia Lungu
Adrina Popa
Tiberiu Dumitrescu
Calin Dumitrescu
Marian Iacob
Eliza Tomodan
Serban Maduta
Timotei Dariciuc
Zoltan Boros
Daniela Laura Popescu
Andreea Safta
Horatiu Belei
Sebastian Avram
Andreea Nagat